The costs an Owner incurs by maintaining a diverse staff that includes highly capable engineers to work on large, complex projects, only when needed, can be very significant. ICPE can help reduce these costs by providing Owner’s Engineering Services through all project phases, from planning to closeout. The Owner’s Engineer, consisting of an individual or, more commonly, a team of experts, can supplement your resources and serve as an independent advocate for you.
The role of an Owner’s Engineer ranges from filling a narrowly defined role as a technical reviewer to providing a full-scale, start-to-finish extension of your staff involved in all aspects of project development, execution, and completion. The Owner’s Engineer not only serves as an advocate for your business objectives but also identifies skill gaps in your staff.
ICPE’s experienced engineers can identify design options that reduce your lifecycle costs and identify and solve potential problems before they affect a project’s final design and implementation - saving you time and money. ICPE’s broad familiarity with utility standards and procedures, participation in professional and technical organizations, and multi-discipline engineering expertise allow it to provide the ideas and solutions to meet your needs. ICPE’s multi-disciplined staff has experience managing engineering, construction, maintenance, or operations of a wide range of large industrial projects. ICPE will keep projects on track and keep you informed and prepared to make any decisions not delegated to ICPE. Hiring an Owner’s Engineer can actually reduce a project’s overall capital and operation and maintenance costs.
Key assistance that ICPE can provide as the Owner’s Engineer could include, but not be limited to:
Define and/or review the project scope
Assess and evaluate the budget and identify financing sources
Conduct feasibility and site selection studies and alternatives analysis
Analyze available technologies and their suitability to a project
Prepare early project schedules and design criteria
Prepare technical specifications for Owner-furnished equipment
Provide part or all of the detailed engineering
Develop EPC specifications, procurement specifications, construction specifications or contract documents
Solicit and evaluate EPC, material, or construction bids and make award recommendations to the Owner
Provide quality assurance reviews on work performed by other engineers, suppliers, and contractors
Lead or support permitting efforts
Represent the Owner’s interests during the engineering, construction, testing, commissioning, and close-out activities
Oversee the work of other engineers and contractors
Provide on-site construction representative services during construction, including field observation, monitoring, and documenting of construction activities for contract